***currently under construction***games postponed until VERY SOON***

Everything Else You Need To Know

Frequently Asked Questions:
Does everybody feel like a dunce the first time they try W.I.B.I.J.?!
Yes.  Yes they do.  It's what we three felt the first time we played.  And we CREATED it!  The best remedy is simply to try the race, and know that the feeling is temporary.  Or, try the clues from past races to get the hang of it.  There is a learning curve, and remember, when in doubt, google.  Once you get past the duncey feeling, W.I.B.I.J. is a ton of fun!

Are there hints for people who get stuck?
There aren't hints, exactly.  But take note of capitalized words in the clue, google a lot, and remember to add words like "books" or "blog" to your google attempts.  Some times you just have to move on to another clue and come back to a tough one.  What kind of game would it be if every clue was super easy?

Can I sign in early to play, so I can start playing as soon as the first clue is posted?
Yes.  The introduction for the race will be posted ten minutes before game time, so you can sign in at your leisure.

How long does a WIBIJ game last?
Most games last under an hour.  But it really depends on how fast you follow the clues and comment.

Is Jon's comment always on the most recent post at a game blog?
Jon leaves his comments on the most recent blog post, unless the clue states otherwise.  However, occasionally, another post will appear in the few hours between the time that Jon posts and the game ends.  It's always prudent to check an earlier post, if you think you have found the correct blog.

Do I need to visit the blogs in the order the clues are posted?
No.  Visit the blogs in whatever order you want.  If you need to skip one, and come back to it later, it's perfectly fine.  Jon's phrase is scrambled, so you won't have any advantage sticking to clue order.  Just make sure you visit each blog and leave a comment before you post Jon's phrase in the form.

W.I.B.I.J.?! Site Policies:
W.I.B.I.J.?! is first and foremost a community, driven by support and positivity.  We are strongly opposed to commenting in a threatening, hostile, inappropriate, or offensive manner, doing so will disqualify you from participating in W.I.B.I.J.?! and your comments will be deleted.

W.I.B.I.J.?! cannot function on blogs with comment moderation.  If you want your blog to be featured in a game, please remember to turn off your comment moderation for the full 24 hours of that game.  Otherwise your blog will be skipped.

First Place and Best Comment Awards
Each game awards will be given out for the first person to submit a correctly unscrambled phrase, and a comment will be awarded after the game's 24 hour limit, for best comment.  We want to promote graciousness in blog conduct.  It is expected W.I.B.I.J. etiquette that if you receive an award, that you say thanks.  If you do it in a funny or interesting way then people will want to know you and will follow to your blog.  

Please leave your acceptance speech in the comments, and we will post it, and link to your blog.

No animals were harmed in the making of this circus. 

While we appreciate recognition (and don't hesitate to give out our own awards each game), we are removing W.I.B.I.J.?! from blogger awards consideration.  Please feel free to grab our button and share our mission with others.

Help Spread the word!
(A button will be available soon, as soon as the epic feud between Jon and HTML is over.)
(Battles have been won here and there, but like the first three years of the Civil War, no one side has made much progress.  Although, don't they say the South had the upper hand until the very end?  Who am I here?)